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4 Things I Didn’t Learn From NaNoWriMo (And 3 Things I Did)

A version of this post originally appeared in 2015.

As National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) comes to a close, gird your loins for the usual flood of post mortem blog posts (like this one). You will see some of the same points made in many of them (like the ones following shortly). That's not to say they're not legitimate. They are - for first-time NaNo participants.  They're dying to tell you how they learned how to crank out a respectable amount of words per day, whether they felt like it or notI learned not to edit and just write, they'll say. But I think NaNo veterans will agree with me when I say these observations fall under the category of No News Here. Yes, I did learn those things the first time I did NaNo. My writing discipline improved as a result. But I hope like heck I'm not snared in a writer's version of Groundhog Day, limited to learning the same stuff over and over. I like to think I come away with something new each time I participate.

Something else in the No News Here category: I am not great when it comes to planning ahead. This year I had grand intentions of using my Scrivener app to have my new novel all outlined and plotted and charted and ready to go, and all I had to do was fill in the blanks scene by scene.  But I fiddle-farted around until it was almost too late, and didn't finish my outline before November 1. This was not the end of the world, especially since I still don't know exactly how the story will wind up. Let's just say it's like motor oil: in a fluid state, very much subject to change.

Okay, so now you know what I didn't learn. Here's what I did learn.

  • As I mentioned, I became even more comfortable with Scrivener. I learned how to use the Label function for categorizing and the Corkboard for storyboarding. I used the split screen feature extensively, viewing my notes in one screen while composing in the other. I used the Inline Annotation feature to boost word count by letting notes to myself stay within the manuscript, but in such a way that is easy to spot and relocate when the time comes. I learned Scrivener has a Name Generator feature, which is pretty cool. Overall, I am really loving Scrivener. It's around $40, but they run a special during NaNo. I think I saw it was $25. Wish I had known this last year and I would've waited until November to buy it. I paid full price.
  • I have blogged previously about my Story Forge cards. I used the heck out of them this NaNo. Whenever I got stuck, out came the cards and I did a spread, usually a character backstory, which stimulated some very productive ruminations. The cards are $20 plus shipping, but they were worth every penny this NaNo. 
  • Speaking of which, this year is the first time I really gave much thought to character backstories. Thanks to the marriage of my stream-of-consciousness ramblings with the ideas suggested by the Story Forge spreads, I now have fully-formed backgrounds supporting all of my characters that informs their actions in what I think is a believable way. I feel I know them better. And knowing them better suggests all sorts of interesting plot twists and shadings and nuance that I may not have otherwise.

I don't do NaNo with the expectation of having a near-perfect project by December 1, which I edit and publish by the end of the year (the same year). Instead, I expect to have at least 50,000 words of hot mess that is the massive, shapeless mound of mashed potatoes from which I will sculpt my Devil's Tower (Close Encounters fans will get this. Others, that's what Google is for). I estimate around half of my 50,000+ word hot mess (and yes, I did finish, first time ahead of schedule, note blue badge of courage proudly displayed at upper right) is stream-of-consciousness stuff: me talking to myself about the story; spit-balling; spelling out various scenarios; why they have potential; why this might work but that probably won't; the pros and cons of adding or changing characters; tinkering with the setting; and so forth. Most of this material will be shifted to Notes and Research and other support folders and mercifully will not show up verbatim in my novel. I don't consider this cheating, or filler, and here's why: it's time and word count spent focused on the project and has a direct and productive connection to the finished product. Since this is a YA story, I estimate I am 60-70% finished with the first draft. Not bad for only 30 days' worth of my time.

There is one more observation I have on NaNoWriMo: this is the first time I've participated that I don't feel drained and exhausted and completely turned off by the thought of returning to my project any time soon. I can't explain it. Maybe because I've converted to self-publishing, and I know publication is definitely going to happen. Maybe because Scrivener really makes the mechanics of writing and publishing a breeze. I really don't know why. But I'm really looking forward to seeing it through.

Note: I have no affiliation with any products mentioned here. I just enjoy using them.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, I hope you'll take a minute to subscribe to my blog (the subscribe box is near the top of the right sidebar).

8 thoughts on “4 Things I Didn’t Learn From NaNoWriMo (And 3 Things I Did)

  1. Tina

    My first time doing NaNoWriMo. Didn't finish but had fun. I retired last year and after dabbling most of my life in either short stories or newsletter-type essays and reports, and after reading about 1,000 cozy mysteries on Kindle Unlimited, I decided to tackle my first full length fiction. I've enjoyed the process and hope I don't quit. I still get waylaid by the weekly blog writing but my novel is always in the back of my mind waiting. I haven't used any of the tools you mention but as I become more serious about this new "career," I will have to investigate. I enjoyed reading about your experience.


      Thank you! You won't regret your NaNo experience. If you even had one day of making it to the 1667, you know you have it in you to be that productive on a daily basis.

  2. Audrey Gran Weinberg

    Good post and makes me want to try schrivener again. I used it too in my 2015 NaNo. I'm still in the procrastination part of editing that novel... Well draft 3 or 4 of it.

    Lots of well articulated food for thought here! X


      I love Scrivener (as if you couldn't tell). Currently working on finishing a YA trilogy, each book of which began as a NaNo project.

  3. Shay

    Congrats! I have yet to really throw myself fully into NaNo. I totally agree with those basic learnings repeated year after year, even as someone who has never really done it right. I had planned on it this year and then had to start a big ghost writing project, so I sort of did NaNo--just for someone else. In years past I used it to edit works that were farther along. I really love the idea of getting the full story out (however messy) in one month though because I haven't had that experience ever. I'm going to have to cultivate my own month to do that soon.
    On Scrivener, I feel like I am just not savvy enough! I tried a trial once and it was more daunting than the actual writing, but I know so many authors love it and I feel a bit archaic sticking with Word. It seems like there are a ton of great features as you've pointed out and it makes me want to give it another try. I can't wait to read the trilogy! Was this the start of book 3??


      I love your idea of doing a self challenge during a month that works better for you. A lot of NaNo people have this same issue bc November is hard with the holiday. I think January is a good month. In fact, I think the NaNo people have something going on in January. I know they do a NaNo Camp or some such in April. As for Scriv, the main reason I bought it was to help me format my first self-published book in 2015. The various writing features were just the icing on the cake. Finally, yes, all three of the books in the current trilogy I am working on began life as NaNo projects.


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