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Snuggle Up And Think Of Spring

This post originally appeared in January 2014. I'm thankful to report we dodged the more recent Polar Vortex. No precip here; lows overnight in the 30s - ABOVE zero. I've hated watching the news of all the weather in the Midwest. Stay warm! Higher temps due any time now!

It's cold here, and getting colder by the minute. Much of the country got hammered by Mother Nature this week. We are far enough south that we won't get any white stuff this go-round, thank goodness. But it's plenty cold enough, into the teens over night. That would be above zero, also thank goodness. My former neighbors in Minnesota have good reason to make that distinction.

As a Native Texan, I have zero cold weather defense mechanisms. My survival skills are designed for hot weather: mainly seeking shade and sweating. I can sweat like a horse. But when cold weather rolls in, I'm helpless as a reality show actor without a script. I have some body fat, but it doesn't help much. I am middle-aged, but there's never a hot flash around when you need one.

Some people say southerners are 'thin-skinned', or that we're 'cold-natured'. One of my Yankee in-laws prefers the less accurate but more insulting 'cold-blooded', like lizards. It doesn't help that we refute her snarks from the nearest sunny window, eyes closed, faces tracking the sun's path, basking like, well,  lizards. 
During my husband's career, we spent eight years living in Minnesota.  You do not mess with the cold in Minnesota. School children are taught how to create survival kits for the car in case you are stranded during a snowstorm (candles, matches, flashlight, batteries, Sterno, water, blankets, breakfast bars). Fire hydrants come equipped with what looks like recycled CB antennae to make them easier to find when there's five feet of PSC* from December to March. The lakes freeze so hard, they can easily support large tent cities of ice fishermen/women, vehicles included. I once got an ice cream headache while walking from my car into the grocery store. It was 4 degrees at the time. There was no ice cream involved.

Beautiful place, Minnesota, but I could never get used to the cold. When the

This is how Minnesotans walk on water.

opportunity arose to move to a warmer climate, we took it. Now we're back in a climate where the chances of snow are about equal to the chances of the Cowboys winning another Superbowl - possible, but unlikely. Fire hydrants are antenna-less, as nature intended. The closest thing to a survival kit in my car is lip balm and a cell phone charger. So we will ride out this temporary meterological unpleasantness. The fire is roaring in the fireplace. I have on my favorite flannel jammy pants.  As I learned from my time in Minnesota, whenever the temp is above zero and in double digits, life is good.

*Permanent Snow Cover - the stuff that is not going to melt until spring.

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2 thoughts on “Snuggle Up And Think Of Spring


      I understand y'all may have some white stuff in your future later this week. Stay warm!


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