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A version of this post originally appeared on my Listly account in 2016. Is Listly still a thing?

Texas and Norway may seem at odds in many ways. Weather, language, cuisine, are all on opposite ends of the spectrum. But if you do a little digging, you'll find they have more in common than you might think.

The two cultures blend well, once you think about it.

They're not averse to a little cultural exchange.

They're both instantly recognizable in their native costumes.

Their blue flowers put on quite a show in the springtime.

Both cultures enjoy an alternative to sliced bread.

Wherever the sun is shining, that's where they'll be.

The more flags, the better.

They both set aside one day of the week specifically for eating tacos.

They do love their caffeine.

An issue pondered by many in both countries: 'How will I spend my oil money?'

If you're on board with the concept of Texwegians, I hope you'll check out my book, The Dala Horse. Available in paperback, e-book, and audio formats from Amazon.

Texwegian t-shirt from The Wooden Spoon in Plano, Texas

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