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The offending item
original photo here

Bemused by the big stink over a certain back-to-school offering (see photo) at a shop I haven't stepped foot into in more than 25 years (and rarely did even when my kids were small). Many knickers are in a twist over the last item listed on the shirt, Math. The argument goes like this: because the 'math' box is unchecked, it implies the (probably female) wearer doesn't like/isn't good at math, which fuels a sexist cliche that females are less intelligent.

My two cents on the Math question: yes, it is stupid and offensive, but let's be honest - what percentage of the population does like/is good at math, regardless of gender? Walk down any street in this country - heck, in the world! - asking everyone if they like/are good at math, and I bet you a gently-used 1990s era Texas Instruments multi-function calculator complete with original paperback instruction manual larger and heavier than said calculator, that at least 70% of the responses will be negative. (See what I did there?)

Also, it must be asked that on the topic of gender and intelligence, what is the ratio of males to females in the management hierarchy of said clothing store company responsible for giving the go-ahead to sell this shirt? Just askin'.

Anywho - math, schmath. Math is one of those necessary evils like kale or pap smears -  you know it is good for you, but it's dang hard to work up any enthusiasm for it. More interesting to me are the other three items on the list on that shirt: shopping, music, and dancing. Why aren't more people enraged by that list? Isn't the inclusion of those three cliche-ridden fluff hobbies more offensive than the unchecked Math?

I know all of you dance and band mommies are about to climb all over me for that. Yes, dancers are highly skilled athletes. Yes, it takes years of dedication to become a professional musician. But we all know playing at Carnegie Hall or dancing with the Bolshoi is not what the shirt maker had in mind. You are lumped in with shopping, for crying out loud!

(nervously looking over my shoulder, wondering if there is such a thing as Shopping Mommies)

If this store really wanted to impress me, here are a few other combinations that would be more palatable on a 'My Best Subjects' shirt.

Checked: Bioengineering     Quantum Physics      Economics

Unchecked: Housework


Checked: Tolerance      Inclusion      Equality 

Unchecked: Misogyny

or (my personal fave)

Under where it says 'My Best Subjects', only one box is checked off, and that box says 'ALL OF THEM'.

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